Saturday, October 3, 2009


It is amazing to me how easily persuaded I am by red wine and lemon bars. Seriously, did I really agree to write publically about my online dating experience? As if it weren't humiliating enough! The worst moment is when you are meeting someone from online for the first time in a public place and you feel like the bartender or waitress can tell that this is an online date.

Note to bartender, here are the clues that you have been a witness to that first glorious meeting that could turn into a life full of wedded bliss:

Was there an awkward, she went in for the hug and he went for the handshake?
When she slid off the barstool to meet him, did she flinch when realizing he was 3 inches shorter than his profile stated?
Did he arrive holding up a photo printed out from her profile to compare her in real life? Just kidding, hopefully that has never happened....

As much as the whole online dating thing is completely awkward, it is also thrilling, scary, confidence boosting and has introduced me to some people that I never would have meet otherwise. If you can't tell, I have online dated before (pushed over the edge by a bad break up and yep, you guessed, wine). But I am reinvigorating it this time around by doing it with friends, and oh yea, the millions of people that will hopefully be reading this blog:) Cheers to the next three months, hope you stay with us as this Must Love...Us project continues. May it bring us success and experience in love.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the red wine and lemon bars were pretty good . . . :)
