Saturday, October 31, 2009


I got a message from a boy about a week ago saying that he needed some time to figure out things with him and God (and from our date, I wasn't feeling ANY chemistry- so I wasn't crushed!), and then to my BFF (who was also matched up with him) said that on the same day, he nudged her. I'm not an expert or anything.... but if you're saying that you are taking the time to work through your own issues and improve yourself and find the Lord again, continuing to be on the prowl probably ISN'T on the agenda. Just a long shot here!? He probably didn't know that we were friends, and that we would talk and exchange that information- or publish his actions on this blog. WOW. It gave me something entertaining to laugh at this week though!! Just thought I would share for everyone else to be entertained by!!


  1. This is hilarious! I would say there's a 99% chance he was BS'ing about the figuring out things with God. It was probably just a line to soften the blow off. I mean (and to quote the title of this blog) REALLY? if someone says that, I think most would agree that's a turn off.

    The fact that he turned around and nudged your BFF, though, is proof of the lie.

    Take heart ML Art and Music, he's going to Hell.

    Now on another serious note, for the 1% chance that he IS very religious and God fearing and needs to find Him, we must respect that and hope he finds God in your BFF or someone else that he may nudge.

    These sites are for people trying find their matches, and we'd like to believe there's at least one for everyone....even him. Because if there's not one for him, there's a good chance there's not one for you.

  2. Um, yeah- it sounds like he's not the guy for you or your friend. He's lying in some way or another and I'm glad there was no chemistry there to hurt your feelings. A little lesson here- always best to be Honest, in a nice way, even if the truth hurts. That's for the guys and the gals...
