Thursday, December 24, 2009

Next Steps...

Well ladies, we are in the final stretch. I think that ONE of us has a date for NYE, while the rest of us are in different stages of being okay with it.
I am leaning more toward "okay" than "bitter" this year. I definitely oscillate, but I am kind of okay with the situation this year. Here are some reasons....
- I would rather have a New Year's Eve with someone who has potential to be someone really important in my life, not just someone alive and breathing.
- Most of my "Must Love" sisters are also single. (I hope that this doesn't make me sound shallow, but it would be REALLY hard to have a positive outlook if everyone else had a date and I was going to be home alone nursing my already fragile ego)
- I am bummed that 3 months wasn't enough time to find someone to be interested in. I have only met 2 people, one of which I am sure there is no romantic chemistry.
- I know that when it is right, it WILL be right.

So what do we do now? Do we continue in this experiment? Do we disband? While I have had every different emotion in regard to online dating, part of me doesn't really want to let it go, let it expire. I feel that at least being online gives me just a bit more opportunity to meet guys. God knows that there aren't any single men at my church(es) and very few at the workplace. At least being online gives me an opportunity to see some men that are single. It gives me space to try to learn about relationships and communication and boys and myself.
What do you think... Do you have any plans for Jan 1?

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