Thursday, December 17, 2009

**do something** update

If you recall, I recently posted expressing my annoyance with a certain match for his very inconsistent communication and lack of action.

Well, he did something...not with me, but still.

I got word he went out on a real live date with Must Love Teens and Beans (nudge, nudge....share with us what happened!!!). I figured he wasn't super interested in me either (phew) and we were passively calling it quits. I hadn't heard from him in weeks. Perfect ending. That's what I wanted-- do something or do nothing. BUT then he comments on my Facebook status the other night! WHY??? Does he think we're friends? Does he think girls don't talk about this kind of thing with each other? Does he just not care? I closed him last week on eHarm; there should be little confusion. Leave it alone.

On a totally different note, I am admitting failure to the posted challenges. Sorry. I was really excited about participating, but see, there's this boy....

And I don't want to talk about it :)


  1. hi. i'm guessing if he can comment on your facebook status, then you are, in fact, friends. (:

    and i'm not so certain that means anything...unless his comment said something like "hey, let's go on another date". otherwise, he may have taken note you closed the match and is trying to stay pals since he took your friend on a date? eh?


  2. it's true. We are, in fact, facebook "friends" :)

    But I've never actually met him or talked to him on the phone. He's sat around doing nothing with my number for over a month.

    and I agree, I don't think the comment means anything, but I don't consider us friends since the intention with eHarm has always been dating and there's never been a conversation otherwise. Maybe there is a nicely worded "I'm out" email in my future....

  3. just unfriend him on facebook if you're bothered. . . that will solve that one (:

