Friday, January 8, 2010

Just like regular dating...

So last night, after being barraged by matches that just seemed like a bunch of WEIRDOS, I broke down. Laughing, but honestly frustrated, I called my roommates over to show them the king of the strange-os, a guy that was so over the top that I couldn't read his profiles (the parts that weren't in hebrew) with a straight face.

My roommates almost died reading about this guy that had chosen to open communication with me, and while i was 4% embarrassed that I was open to such approaches, I was glad they got such a kick out of how ridiculous this online dating thing could be. And then, seeing their pure glee at looking over guys profiles, I set them loose. I was exhausted, and not stoked about any of my matches, so I told them I was going to bed, and that if they were good roomies, they should go through my matches and close any that were weird. And after they got over their brief stint of disbelief, they went at the list with gusto. Thankfully, I woke up this morning with 3/4 of the men from my list closed....

Why am i doing this again? Oh yeah, because I'm open to finding the one. Gotta try to remember that!

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