Wednesday, October 21, 2009

is that the best you've got?

Come on guys, the profile answers are your one chance to catch my attention and this is the best you can come up with?

The one thing ***** is most passionate about:

  • I'm not sure what I'm passionate about.

The last book ***** read and enjoyed:
  • Well I don't read many books. For me the only book worth reading is the bible.
The most influential person in *****'s life has been:
  • Everyone has influenced me to be who I am today.
One thing that only *****'s best friends know is:
  • If only my best friends know, then we should probably keep it that way
One thing that only *****'s best friends know is:
  • When you become one of my best friends then you will know.
The three things which ***** is most thankful for:
  • God
  • My family
  • All my friends
The things ***** can't live without are:
  • Food
  • Water
  • Shelter
  • Sports
  • Fun and Happiness
Some additional information ***** wanted you to know is:
  • A little mystery keeps things more interesting, don't you think?
Some additional information ***** wanted you to know is:
  • There's no one else like me.

I know, there's nothing actually wrong with these answers, but did you even try? Give this a little more effort...please!


  1. Under occupation, does it say "engineer"?

  2. just to clarify, these come from multiple guys. every lame answer is from a different profile. but yes, there are definitely engineers in abundance online!

  3. Thank you for revealing who you truly are, ambiguous males.

    I'm telling you, that "best friends" question was an automatic deal-breaker for me.

    I also really liked the "There's no one else like me." response. SO funny!

  4. This actually makes sense:
    One thing that only *****'s best friends know is:
    If only my best friends know, then we should probably keep it that way.

    I think that's a lame question. It should be more like One thing that most people don't know about you.

    I will say that he should be smart enough to change the question himself and answer appropriately.

    Sorry Ben and Melissa--guess we won't ever date.
