Sunday, October 18, 2009


I was totally busted and caught off guard today. At Church.
I was approached by one of our Pastors at church today. "Hey." he started. We hugged and I figured this would be a shallow, quick conversation. "Hey, I saw you..." I was thinking 'saw me in the car, on Pearl Street, in a picture' but no. Not that simple.
"Hey, I saw you... saw you on"
Oh no. Busted. Not sure if my face belied the mortification or not, but quickly I found myself asking "What are you doing on" as I motioned toward his wife.
"no,no,no it was on Facebook. I saw your picture. It was one of those ads." He then told me my screen name on the site.
So my friends, I am busted. I didn't know that my screen name and picture was being used as advertising for the website, OR that it would be used as an ad on my friends' profiles, but people are out there seeing me.
This is scary!
If you see my picture, do me a favor and screen shot it for me... so I can see what version of me is posted all over the internet!


  1. What?! That is terrible. any maybe illegal?

  2. There are so many things wrong with this scenario! I can't believe they would use you in an advertisement. Did you have to sign something saying that they might use your picture for something else? I think it's totally illegal if you didn't give them permission. You should look into this. On the bright side, maybe some really attractive, SINGLE man will see the ad and go on Match to check you out. :)

  3. I bet when you clicked "I agree" on the user agreement the permission was in there...who reads those? How awful!!!!!

  4. I agree that this sucks and that should not be posting your photo on Facebook without notifying you first; however, maybe you should feel flattered that they thought you were good marketing material. :)

  5. I think ML Coffee and Skyscrapers is right! You click 'agree' to it.

    Now, I know nothing about these sites (sorry been busy), but my impressions of the two main ones and are this: is more like "looking for a good" and EHarmony is "looking for a" seems just a little more...skanky? maybe not the best term but you get my meaning. And with that skankiness comes the using you for facebook advertising.

    Anyway, ML Passports and People that is pretty funny.

