Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I have a date on Sunday. I feel like a 14 yr old girl, all giddy, and have no idea what I'll say or how I should bring up my life circumstances. How do I tell a boy that 4 months ago I was in the hospital without it being like a bombshell? I think I'm going to practice on my roommates husband and see how it goes. We're going to a wine bar, but I still can't drink for another year. So that'll take some explanation and maybe will open a door.

This time around with eharm it feels different. I've grown up and so many things in my life have changed. A match asked me a great question the other day- do I want my husband's calling in ministry overseas to be the same as his? Yes and no. I don't know if just going on missions trips and adopting children while living in the states will be enough for me. But how do I say "I want someone who wants to live overseas for a few years and fight on behalf of sex-slave girls" without narrowing down all of my choices?? UGH. life...


  1. you say it. that's how.

    if you're that confidant of your calling, be that confidant of your mate.


  2. So I'm a little late reading these. Dying to hear about the date. Anonymous was right, so I hope you took their advice.

    But wouldn't YOU be his only sex-slave to save?

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

