Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Long Haul
I guess it can't be too bad.
On the upside I found like 13 super cuties that I am trying to communicate with! Let's see what happens!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I'm back....
1. BOY#1: If any of you remember me blogging about Baskin Robbins ice cream and my Bubble Gum flavored man...well we are still talking! This guy "Fast-tracked" me on our very first day (Oct. 1st) and I was hesitant to respond, but I would have to say I am so glad that I did. We hung out a lot in the beginning of meeting each other(maybe possibly kissed a few times), but then realized that we wanted to just not rush things (since I have found online dating does moved things way faster than I would like) and we are doing the friend thing. I'm excited to see where things go, but honestly right now feel as if we will just be friends. He is a good guy to know though....I think I will keep blogging about him though cause who knows what will happen.
2. BOY#2: I have been needing to respond to the matching up with the same guy as Must Love Coffee and Skyscrapers...yes now this has been interesting. He found a picture on her profile that had me in it...she told me...and then once him and I were at open communication I mentioned it to him! ha Long story short I started talking to the guy, but to be honest quite hesitant...I don't know if it was more of the "finally a guy wants to talk" or "I might actually be interested." It ends up that we talked on the computer and then phone and then finally went out on a date. So hes a nice guy...just not for me at all. There is a lot to say about this guy because he is still around...still texting...and I am not sure how to say it won't work, or if I even need to. Not sure what hes thinking. I will have to say that he has figured out how to still come out with me and my friends by running a race that my friend and I ran (she talked to him to whole time to help me out). If your still reading, here is a FUNNY story for you:
went skiing with one of my friends and found out that boy #2 was up at Breckenridge as well.
He texted me and said if I wanted maybe we could meet up with I asked him if he
could meet us up at the Lodge for lunch. (And bring us Subway while he was at it! ha-
free food, right?!) And of course he did. So my friend got to meet him...agreed he was nice,
possibly gay, and not for me. Here is where the story gets boy #1-bubble gum
guy calls and says hes up in Breck if I wanted to meet up after skiing for a beer. So of
course since I'm a bit interested in him I say yes. My friend and I walk into the Brewery
and low in behold....
boy #2 was sitting at the bar and boy #1 was about 20 feet away waiting for me!!! So what
do I do....I quickly walk past the bar, looking down and quickly get to boy #1. ha ha The
day was so hilarious and basically I don't know what to say, but it was a moment to
3. As far as what the next year looks like....I decided with the challenge that was posted...I went through my inbox and the ones that I'm "communicating" with, I fast-tracked them all!! ha ha I thought what is the quickest way for me to get in touch with them (get their email) so once my membership is up I can still talk to them. So now, I am talking to two more guys through personal emails. I just felt like I needed to get whatever I could in the last few days....this way I can keep blogging about possibilities, but I won't be extending my membership I know that for sure. I can't afford it! AND I just want to meet someone naturally really....which reminds me...I did go on a date with a guy (not from eharm) but meet him through boy#1 (he is a friend of a friend of boy#1) Yeah no worries, not going to work out, but I guess I would say I got to go on a date...not going to food is pretty nice perks of doing this!
4. Last thing: I don't have a date for NYE, I don't have a boyfriend, but I am also completely content. This has been a really interesting process...its kind of fun, but I also didn't take it too seriously. Just wanted to meet some people....the right guy will come at the right time. I'm confident of that!
Thanks for being patient with me....and if you have read this far on my blog, thanks! I am so impressed with all of you followers!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Next Steps...
I am leaning more toward "okay" than "bitter" this year. I definitely oscillate, but I am kind of okay with the situation this year. Here are some reasons....
- I would rather have a New Year's Eve with someone who has potential to be someone really important in my life, not just someone alive and breathing.
- Most of my "Must Love" sisters are also single. (I hope that this doesn't make me sound shallow, but it would be REALLY hard to have a positive outlook if everyone else had a date and I was going to be home alone nursing my already fragile ego)
- I am bummed that 3 months wasn't enough time to find someone to be interested in. I have only met 2 people, one of which I am sure there is no romantic chemistry.
- I know that when it is right, it WILL be right.
So what do we do now? Do we continue in this experiment? Do we disband? While I have had every different emotion in regard to online dating, part of me doesn't really want to let it go, let it expire. I feel that at least being online gives me just a bit more opportunity to meet guys. God knows that there aren't any single men at my church(es) and very few at the workplace. At least being online gives me an opportunity to see some men that are single. It gives me space to try to learn about relationships and communication and boys and myself.
What do you think... Do you have any plans for Jan 1?
Monday, December 21, 2009
What are you doing New Years Eve?
Ah, but I thought I’d ask you just the same
What are you doing New Year’s
New Year’s Eve?
Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight
When it’s exactly twelve o’clock that night
Welcoming in the New Year
New Year’s Eve
Maybe I’m crazy to suppose
I’d ever be the one you chose
Out of a thousand invitations
You’d receive
Ah, but in case I stand one little chance
Here comes the jackpot question in advance
What are you doing New Year’s
New Year’s Eve?
Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight
When it’s exactly twelve o’clock that night
Welcoming in the New Year
New Year’s Eve
What are you doing New Year’s Eve?
So here I sit, actively communicating with two nice guys on eharmony, my "New matches" box all cleared out, poised and ready to start a new year not online. I have a new scheme up my sleve. Maybe I'll blog about it later. And maybe I'll write a bluesly little ditty with a nice walking bass line about our online dating woes. We can have a showing at our next get-together.
it's official....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Possibility
We went for dinner. He let me pick the place since he doesn't live in Boulder. We went to a place what I like, but don't frequent too terribly often. There were LOTS of people as I opened the door, and to my shock and awe our biggest fan was just inside the door!!
I kinda felt outed, busted, by the fact that someone else was privy to my goal, recognized that I was on a first date and about the fact that we had met over the internet.... luckily my date went to put our names on the waiting list, so we were able to say hi and confirm that this in fact was a first date, and that he is someone I met online.
It took a while to get seated, but we talked of travel and family and cities we'd lived in.
We were seated and had a great meal, good conversation and before we knew it 3 hours and a bottle of wine had gone by!
SIDE NOTE: During dinner, feeling brave, I let PART of the cat out of the bag as far as Must Love Us... I told him that a bunch of girls and I had all started online dating at the same time to see if we could get New Years' dates. He let me know that he couldn't be my New Years' date since he had already made plans to go out of town.
So, my date went well. I definitely see potential for friendship here, and I am gonna wait to make a decision on anything else. We made tentative plans to hang out again. I am happy to have made a connection.
single on the 31st
Friday, December 18, 2009
my update...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
**do something** update
Challenge #2: "Fast Track"
Dear Must Love Us ladies,
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to "Fast Track" the guy in your match inbox that you are most interested in that hasn't started communication with you yet. I'm not sure what the equivalent of "Fast Track" is on, but if you are on you know what I mean. "Fast Track" on means that you skip all of the guided questions and go straight to "Open Communication" or emailing within the site. We only have a few more weeks of our 3 month challenge left and New Year's Eve is creeping up on us quickly.
Good Luck Ladies.
Must Love Fireworks and Red Wine
Friday, December 11, 2009
The "10" Challenge
I did it everyone, I went through my 10 oldest matches. Now, my oldest match is from October 4th….. um, yes that’s right… I had a lot of matches from those early days that I didn’t do anything with. As I go through my matches, I’m realizing that eHarmony isn’t nearly so bad as I once thought. There seem to be a lot of genuinely nice Christian guys out there, who are intelligent and who like adventures; and I have initiated communication with a number a them. I also found the above gem in my matches as well (I tried to edit the photo to protect the identity of the innocent - scratch that, I have now removed the photo). Hey, if eHarmony matched me with this guy, that simply bodes well. (The photo was of a very handsome man holding a baby, which happened to show off his nice muscles - clearly he knew the power of this photo, which is why he put it on eHarmony) Bicep, um, I mean Handsome Man, holding friend’s baby. And he also happens to be a Carpenter (drool) and of course is an awesome Christian (as told to me by my friends who happen to know him). Ladies… he hasn’t responded to my request to communicate yet, so he may be looking for you!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
we love our grandfathers and our friends.
literally, i closed 5 guys because they apparently "don't read much". how do educated adults not read?
here are the 2 lucky lads that i decided to "communicate" with:
bachelor #1
Occupation: | Industrial Technician/Student |
Age: | 25 |
Height: | 5' 11" |
why did i start communicating with him?
he loves his grandfather and it's cute.
The most influential person in (insert name)'s life has been:
- My Grandfather. He's never had to set me down to give me advice, he just consistently lives his life and loves the people around him. I've learned more about what it is to be a good man by watching him than anything else.
Occupation: | Realtor and property manager |
Age: | 28 |
Height: | 5' 10" |
why did i start communicating with him?
he loves his friends.
(insert name) typically spends his leisure time:
- I love just hanging out with friends, having great conversation, being free to say whatever we want, being funny, helping each other with the things we're thinking about/going through. I love going out with friends, meeting people, going to different places, laughing. I love reading, thinking, and travelling with friends. i hate writing this stuff too
Monday, December 7, 2009
challenge #1
Sunday, December 6, 2009
We wait. We pine. we see that what IS isn't what should be, what could be, what we hope for.
We know the promise, we see the future, we long for that to be reality.
We wait in anticipation. We wait with excitement happy for the day to come. We wait anxiously feeling the pain of things not yet realized. We wait with faith, KNOWING, BELIEVING and TRUSTING that it will be done here. Soon.
dear readers -- part 2
Thursday, December 3, 2009
dear readers
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
do Something!
Follow up on Panera...
But I can't help but resonate with some of the other posts on here- especially about the holidays and being single for yet another Christmas while my little sister will be at Christmas with her husband and continuing to lament inside about "why me?". I'm trying to have a good attitude, but it's just not happening yet. I totally agree with Banjo's and Paris- I have the same mood swings ;) I just want a mountain man who likes to travel and isn't scared off by my life circumstances- will that ever happen?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
it's the most wonderful time of the year?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
thank you.
Monday, November 23, 2009
whiskey? no?
Okay, so I did it.
I actually went on a date with someone that I met online. Actually, I don't know if you can call it a "date." My friend refers to it as a "meet-up." I like this term better. He didn't pay. Well, he tried, but I beat him there (it was just a coffee shop, and we were just grabbing a light lunch), and I didn't feel like awkwardly waiting for him to get there, or making it seem like I was waiting on him because I wanted him to pay for it. Actually, I think he was bothered by it . . .
Well, maybe I should back up a bit . . .
So this guy and I started chatting about a month ago. He's perfect on paper: artsy, interesting, funny, smart, has a good job, etc. Just one e-mail into the "open communication" phase, he asked if I wanted to meet up. After an incredibly encouraging e-mail from a friend, I decided to say yes. I mean, why not, right? Still, I was nervous.
First of all, every single one of his photos online looked like a different person. How was I supposed to identify him? This turned out to be fairly easy in reality -- and so did the date, in general.
Tip: If you're nervous about meeting someone from online, meet up for lunch, and have a deadline. For example, we met on a Thursday, and I had to be back at work at a certain time. If it goes well, then great. If it doesn't, at least you have an out.
Anyway, he was a really nice guy, and everything that he said in his profile seemed to be true. He was interesting, artsy, etc., but I honestly wasn't attracted to him, and I felt like he was a little awkward. Also, I had to carry the conversation the majority of the time, which I did not enjoy. I found myself looking at the clock, which was strategically placed on the wall, right above his head.
We left the coffee shop, gave each other a hug, and he said, "Well, I'll e-mail you soon." I said, "Yeah, sure, definitely." But as I said it, I was already plotting the outline of my rejection e-mail. Brash? Maybe. But (and this may be a really weird statement), I found myself thinking that he was not the kind of guy that I could have fun with at a bluegrass show. I want a guy who will drink whiskey, slightly embarrass me by being overly chatty with everyone around us, and just, in general, have a good time. I don't think he was that guy.
Ironically, though I planned my rejection, he has not contacted me. It's interesting how quickly I can go from feeling like the rejector to the rejectee. (Are those even real words?) Yikes. I'm realizing that I may be a bit more vain than I had thought. Uh oh.
So . . . will I go out with anyone else from eHarmony? Maybe. I definitely feel more comfortable with the idea now. And I have proven to myself that I can turn a somewhat awkward situation into an okay one. Apparently, I'm good at talking about myself for an hour!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The fun never stops
Let me back up a bit. First date of the week was fine but nothing to write home about (although he was awfully good looking). He actually couldn't look me in the eye. I wasn't sure if I should chalk it up to nerves or what but the conservation just wasn't there so I haven't persued a second date.
Second date was on a Friday night and we met for Happy Hour which led to drinks which led to dancing. And did I say drinks? I think that helped fuel the eight hour marathon. At the end of the date, he asked if I wanted to hang out again because he had such a great time. I agreed and proposed going on a date a few days later to this event I had free tickets to. He agreed and said he would call the day of the event to figure out when to meet up, etc.
Date came of said event and no word from this guy. An hour before the event, I start to panic mostly because I realize he probably doesn't want to go and now I am dateless/friendless to this event downtown. I scramble to find a friend that can take his place and everyone is busy. Awesome. I text him to make sure he doesn't want to go and finally hear back from him several hours later that night. Text reads - Oh my god I'm so sorry I haven't called! Bad day today
Really? Bad day? I'm having a bad day too now that I am missing this event I had free tickets to! I don't respond. Next morning - receive another text of apology and a promise to call later to explain him standing me up. He does call that night with an explanation. I'm not saying it was a good one, but I did say I would go out with him again but that he has to plan the date to make up for it and it had better be good:)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Food Meet Recap

So, I met my match on Saturday. We went to lunch and had good conversation for quite a while. There were no fights, no arguments, and while neither of us pulled any punches, we still had a good time.
Like I suspected, there weren't any romantic sparks, but maybe the beginning of a good friendship.
So, not much else on the meeting matches front, but I met one!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
when coffee becomes scary . . .
The time has come: I have an official eHarmony date. We're meeting for coffee/lunch on a weekday. Because we both work for companies that give us a one-hour lunch break, this is good. Very good. If the date is terrible, I only have to stay there for a minimum of 60 minutes -- actually, less. If it's good, then . . . well, great!
- what to wear
- what to say
- actually identifying him at the coffee shop
- not running into anyone I know
- etc., etc., etc.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I was right
Friday, November 6, 2009
"The Bronco game? That's a great date!" my friend told me last night. Which of course it is, and which of course made my heart sink even a bit further because I still hadnt returned this phone call. Delaying the inevitable.... which was to try to figure out how to say that I'd rather go climbing with some friends than go to the Bronco game with him. Because, when you're just not interested, even the Bronco game doesnt sound so great. So, I finally found the courage, at 5 minutes to 10:00 to give him a call, and muster up the words to say I didn't think I was interested in going on a second date. The phone call lasted all of 2 minutes, because thats as long as it took me to tell him that I realized I had been avoiding calling him back because I just wasnt interested. And, for him to be sweet and tell me not to worry. And, of course, for him to tell me that his roommate knows me - turns out his roommate was a good friend of an ex-boyfriend of mine. Go figure.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
letter from eHarmony
Dear (insert my real name),
Share your story, win great prizes and connect with other success couples like you. (win great prizes. yes please. wait, "other success couples like you"? when did i become a success couple? when did i even become a couple with someone? last time i checked i haven't even gone out on a date yet.)
Over the years, couples like you—that have found so much happiness and joy on eHarmony—have been requesting a way to share your stories with other like-minded eHarmony couples. During the next several weeks, eHarmony will be launching its Facebook page and we’re kicking it off with the Celebration of Love, a special tribute to success couples like you. (happiness and joy. really? i'm not experiencing happiness and joy on eHarmony. i'm experiencing comparison, disappointment, and rejection. why did i do this again?)
Meet, laugh, and connect with a community of people that have a very important shared experience with you—they too met the love of their lives on eHarmony. We invite you to post pictures, videos, favorite moments, and dating highlights. Our goal is to create a very festive celebration on the eHarmony Facebook page and we can’t do it without you!! (love of my life? i would love to meet the love of my life, but i'm not even getting a chance to do that since eHarmony hasn't sent me a match in over a week. maybe i should join the facebook page and post all the hellish experiences i have had with eHarmony in the past and this round.)
It wouldn’t be a party without gifts, so we will be giving them out every week. So be sure to share your story on Facebook and invite other success couples to do the same. (i like gifts! i don't think they will give me a gift for a bad story, so maybe i'll just make one up. that would be hilarious!)
Thank you so much. We can’t wait to see you on Facebook. Just go to or click on the button below to join us! (screw you eHarmony. i don't like you anymore.)
With very warm regards,
The eHarmony Success Stories Team (maybe you should form an eHarmony failure stories team)
A "food meet"
We have had some good discussions and one argument... or debate on theological issues. This revolved mostly around praying to Mary and the saints. light stuff.
The debate ended with a bet. He bet me that the original Hebrew of a particular verse didn't say the same in an English Bible. He bet me lunch.
I don't pride myself on being a theologian, but when I looked at the 16 versions of the bible on my iPhone, 14 of them said the same word. I then went to find English translations of the Torah and the 2 that I found also said the same word.
So, not being satisfied, he asked some Torah expert friends of his.... while I waited. I was confident.
He let me know today that I was right, and that I could collect my winnings whenever I want.
So I made plans for lunch this Saturday. I hope that meeting him goes well, that he is more attractive in the real life than in his profile picture and that we don't get in a fight!
At least I am going to meet someone!
Monday, November 2, 2009
a day in the life
what a small world we've created.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
First Date
So will I see him again? I think yes :-)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
things are looking dreary.
message from eHarmony:
Our matching system was not able to find any new matches for you right now.
However, we are always automatically searching for new matches for you. Several thousand people join eHarmony each day and our matching system evaluates each one of them within 24 hours to see if they are a great match for you.
We will notify you via email when matches are found or you can check your My Matches page at eHarmony whenever you like.
Our matching criteria, based on the 29 dimensions of compatibility, are extremely strict, and are what makes eHarmony a unique and powerful tool in finding your soul mate. We will keep searching and hope to find some wonderful matches for you soon.
things are looking dreary. no matches? eHarmony, i'm not sure that i like your 29 dimensions of compatibility. why am i not compatible with the thousands of new guys that sign up on your site every day? i think i should have tried out Match.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
a date or riding your bike?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Crossing Paths
The email went something like this:
"Hi ______.
So I got this funny text from one of my best friends this morning. She said "I got matched up with _______!" She's doing eHarmony and apparently got matched up with you this morning. If you have a girlfriend, maybe you should delete your profile. :) Anyways, I thought I would let you know since sometimes people don't realize that even if you aren't paying for eHarmony that your profile still shows up.
I hope you are doing well and school isn't completely kicking your ass this semester!"
The email I received back was nice, filled with grammar errors and questions about my life, and confirming. When my heart sank and I emailed him immediately, I questioned whether or not I did the right thing by calling things off back in the Spring. Did I still have feelings for him? Why was I feeling like this? The answers: No, I don't have feelings for him. I was feeling like that because I'm lonely and when I was with him I wasn't lonely. When I was with him, there was someone who took interest in my life, complimented me, and made me feel desirable. Selfishly, I want all of that again. I don't want it with him, but I want it with someone. Who is that someone? Will I meet him in the next few months? eHarmony isn't giving me much promise of even a date in the next couple of months at this point, so we'll see. In the meantime, I need to decide if I'm going to answer all of his questions and write him back or go back to the silence.
the good and the bad
I don't know what's worse...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Profile: Round Two
I am reminded of short story writing… The first page—some would say the first sentence—of any writing should grab the reader’s attention and leave him/her wanting more. What is my hook? What can I say in that first sentence that encompasses me fully? I want to come off catchy and funny and interesting and smart and thoughtful and intellectual and spiritual.
The next rule that comes to mind is the climax. However interesting the introduction, close the sequence, or rapid the action, it is always the climax toward which the mind is ever reaching. What is the high point? The culmination? What is it that people will walk away with? Will men want to respond? With the RIGHT men want to respond?
A conclusion is the next thing that I fret over when writing my profile. It should be concise. It should end well, making a pretty little package out of me!
So I am redoing my profile. I plan to make a few things a little softer and bring a few more things to the forefront, making them a focal point.
I hate that I have to have a great profile. I don’t like that I am totally and thoroughly judged by a few words and a couple pictures.
I wanna say “I AM SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS” but even then, if I post that then men might just think that I am avoiding questions and not willing to share who I am.
The whole point of being online is to share who I am with someone. I want to share my life. I want to have someone to tell things to, to make a life with.
It seems like such a vicious circle.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
is that the best you've got?
The one thing ***** is most passionate about:
- I'm not sure what I'm passionate about.
- Well I don't read many books. For me the only book worth reading is the bible.
- Everyone has influenced me to be who I am today.
- If only my best friends know, then we should probably keep it that way
- When you become one of my best friends then you will know.
- God
- My family
- All my friends
- Food
- Water
- Shelter
- Sports
- Fun and Happiness
- A little mystery keeps things more interesting, don't you think?
- There's no one else like me.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
something tells me . . .
- I consider myself to be courteous and well rounded. When it comes to wine, I gravitate to reds from Spain, or France. White wine is also welcome in my home. I can also cook and do so regularly. If there is anything else you would like to know, just ask. I am a very open person. Lastly, you will not be embarrassed by my behavior.
Does this mean I get around?
The first one and I went to a wine bar downtown, and I met the second one today for coffee at a local coffee shop. The first one ended up being a Catholic and a counselor, and on paper, I would have thought he and I would gotten along really well, but not so much in person. We just didn't seem to "click" together instantly. I had a lot of fun with this second one today. We just laughed over coffee, and I would really like to get to know him better. He was really great and intriguing! I'm looking forward to what the future might hold! Who knows!? No high hopes really, but he was really funny! Maybe more to come- Maybe?!
I like to have fun...
I feel like every man I get matched up with on eHarmony likes to have fun and is looking for a woman who likes to have fun too. Sometimes, I look at their photos or read their profiles and think to myself "do you really like to have fun?" The guy's photos are more than likely him taking a self-portrait of himself in the mirror or with his MacBook Photobooth application. I'm thinking - "Where are your friends?" I go through his profile and his favorite thing to do is play video games and he works as a Data Analyst. Really? You like to have fun? You don't seem fun at all. Today, my friend tweeted about the following video on Twitter. I felt like I was scrolling through my daily eHarmony matches while I was watching the following video. I hope you laugh as hard as I did. Enjoy!
Monday, October 19, 2009
the "bases" of eHarmony
Read his About Me | |
Answer his Questions | |
Send 1st Questions- 1st Base? | |
Read his Answers | |
Send Must Haves and Can't Stands-2nd Base? | |
Read his Must Haves and Can't Stands | |
Send 2nd Questions- 3rd Base? | |
Read his Answers | |
Answer his Questions | |
Read Dr. Warren's Message | |
Start Open Communication- HOME RUN?! |
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I was approached by one of our Pastors at church today. "Hey." he started. We hugged and I figured this would be a shallow, quick conversation. "Hey, I saw you..." I was thinking 'saw me in the car, on Pearl Street, in a picture' but no. Not that simple.
"Hey, I saw you... saw you on"
Oh no. Busted. Not sure if my face belied the mortification or not, but quickly I found myself asking "What are you doing on" as I motioned toward his wife.
"no,no,no it was on Facebook. I saw your picture. It was one of those ads." He then told me my screen name on the site.
So my friends, I am busted. I didn't know that my screen name and picture was being used as advertising for the website, OR that it would be used as an ad on my friends' profiles, but people are out there seeing me.
This is scary!
If you see my picture, do me a favor and screen shot it for me... so I can see what version of me is posted all over the internet!