Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Well, it's official, I have a fourth date with a boy tomorrow night. And to top that off, the day after that date we are heading on a trip together out of town with some of his friends for the weekend. Gulp. I feel like things are moving really fast but in my experience, that's what online dating does for any relationship. None of this, does he want to be dating someone right now or does he just like me as a friend or what exactly. It's refreshing to be completely honest. And this is the point where I hoped one of us bloggers would get - where you like someone enough not to write about your relationship online. So I guess I am to that point, although after 48 plus hours together this weekend, things might be different! If you don't hear from me, assume I still have a date for New Year's Eve:)


  1. That's awesome! Update us on the weekend for sure!

  2. When does dating turn into a relationship? Fourth, fifth, sixth? I'm a firm believer that the whole "dating" concept is flawed. Share your life, passions, and personality with someone and they'll follow. Just don't do it at Starbucks.

  3. Have fun on your weekend trip, but I'm not exactly jumping up and down here. Call me old fashioned, but where are Your friends? Any of them going along? Why not?
    You need someone to hold you accountable-- and to watch your back. There's some advice I hope you'll heed to.

  4. Anonymous,

    Before you jump to conclusions about our dear friend MLT&T, you should know that she went on the trip with a large group of people, and she took one of her best friends along with her.

    I'm sure she'll appreciate your concern, but no need to worry. She's an adult, and she makes wise decisions. Also, she has all of us, her friends, who love her and want what's best for her.

  5. Oh, and please commence with your jumping up and down. I know we have been. We're excited for her!
