Monday, December 7, 2009

challenge #1

The girls and I have decided to spice things up in December . . . kind of like adding rum to your eggnog. I mean, eggnog is good alone -- delicious, actually -- but add a little liquor, and things get interesting (and more delicious) fast. What I'm trying to say is, well, let's hope the blog gets a little spicier. (No, not like that!)

So here we go . . . the first of several challenges:

I, Must Love Banjos and Paris, hereby challenge my fellow bloggers to log into their chosen dating website (sounds kind of lame, huh?), and review their 10 oldest matches. You know, those 10 from October that you aren't brave enough to talk to, but are nervous to close because they seem potentially kind of great. After carefully analyzing their profiles and photos, either close them out or initiate communication.

Let's see how it goes!

And now . . . eggnog . . . mmm . . .


  1. all right ladies! It works a bit differently on but I have had a pile of 'maybes' in my "daily 5" matches for a while. Match gives 5 matches every day to find out if you are interested or not.
    I have had over 50 that have been sitting in my 'Maybe' folder for months. I found a very objective system for weeding out profiles I am interested in or not. My maybe file is down to 19.... only because the system bugged out and my "request can't be processed". It feels good to get them out of the way!

  2. ok, I'm in.

    One of my October matches definitely sounds kind of great...maybe add some wine and I'll send him some questions :)

  3. i just closed a fair amount for not reading. :)
    i started communication with two guys. i'll blog about why later and let you know if anything happens.
    must love fireworks and red wine

  4. Unfortunately... I closed a bunch out a few weeks ago but did a nudge this morning to a guy that seemed really interesting and has potential, so we'll see! ;)

  5. ha...ok I'm back...must love teens and beans...

    I have 119 matches to go through...I never deleted anyone from the beginning. Its going to be a long night!
