great. my suspicions have been confirmed.
eHarmony does match you up based on looks.
i've been getting some not-so-attractive men lately.
i'm feeling a bit like a "Ugly Betty" tonight.
see eHarmony message below.
Photos and Physical Appearance at eHarmony
We do use physical appearance as a factor in our matching process and we encourage all members to post a photo.
We know that physical attraction is important, but studies have shown it to be less important, in the long run, than characteristics like intelligence, conflict resolution and energy level among others.
Therefore we encourage you to get to know each match with an open mind and take care not to make a snap judgment based on a photo.
p.s. i have been emailing with 1 guy, started "communication" with 5 guys tonight, and "nudged" 8 guys. it's 2010 and i'm being proactive.
I want to know who decides who will be attracted to who... And then I want to send them flowers and chocolates so they match us all with excellent catches ;-)